Group project - members :
Ashley Yap
Chern Xuan Tong
Chew Synn Yi
Project task & Overview:
- Design and create architectural spaces with consideration of environmental poetics in relation to the basic natural context and existing built context (harness environmental qualities of the site to inform design) which impact on users’ experiences.
- Establish an appropriate level of understanding of materiality and detailing as means to capture experiential qualities of the design.
Precedent Studies
Final Boards
- To identify passive design strategies for Shading and Lighting.
- To analyze the effect of thermal comfort/ comfort factors in a person and in a space relating to Shading and Lighting.
- To be able to criticize design of the space in terms of thermal comfort by referring to MS1525 , UBBL and GBI.
- To be able to suggest passive solutions for Shading and Lighting.
PROJECT 2a - Wellness Center PLUS
- Site Analysis & Design Response
Project task & Overview:
- Identify and analyse environmental qualities and contextual needs of a site and apply ideas of environmental sustainability.
- Design and create architectural spaces with consideration of environmental poetics in relation to the basic natural context and existing built context (harness environmental qualities of the site to inform design which impact on users’ experiences.
Site Analysis Report
- Generate design intentions through the process of exploring material.
- Identify key architectural design elements and principles with the ability to discern how they inform space and form.
- Relate the idea of design intention in anthropometric and ergonomic to space and its experiential qualities.
Group project
PROJECT 2B - Wellness Center PLUS
(Kepong Botanical Gardens)
individual project
Project task & Overview:
- Identify and analyse environmental qualities and contextual needs of a site and apply ideas of environmental sustainability.
- Design and create architectural spaces with consideration of environmental poetics in relation to the basic natural context and existing built context (harness environmental qualities of the site to inform design) which impact on users’ experiences.
- Combine the environmental needs, the site (site topography, history and socio-cultural events), and the users’ experiences within simple building design in the open landscape/suburban context.
- Establish an appropriate level of understanding of materiality and detailing as means to capture experiential qualities of the design. - Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), modelling and verbal presentation to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas based on clustered spatial typology.
Design Process
Final Boards
- Employ appropriate visual and verbal architectural vocabulary when referring to building types, series and periods.
- Show the appropriate sequence of historical periods and how they are represented architecturally.
- Discover the way in which many varied factors contribute to the development of form.
Through this Architecture and Environment module, I have learned the considerations in the relationship between architecture and environment. I have also learned the importance of sustainability in the environment. This brought me to a new understanding of design. I really appreciated my tutor, Ms Suja, gave us a lot of inspiration on Architecture and Environment.